Saturday, June 29, 2013

Now 34 Strange National Park Clusters of Missing Persons Across America


A third book entitled: “Missing 411-North America and Beyond” by David Paulides is the "first edition that presents missing people and relevant facts from five countries (Australia, England, France, Iceland and Indonesia) outside of North America and examines the parallels between the cases. The book also includes a multitude of new stories from North America.

David Paulides has shined a light onto one of the greatest and most disturbing mysteries of our time: the simple and awful fact that people disappear, especially in our national parks, and little effort is made to find them, let alone inform the public about the danger.

Even when massive searches are mounted, and people are found, the events surrounding their loss and recovery are often far beyond logical explanation.

This is the most comprehensive and expertly presented series of books on the subject ever written, and the latest volume, which includes stories from five countries, is sobering, chilling and far too well researched to ignore. Essential reading."

Lost in Oregon: Hiker's 2012 disappearance joins hundreds of unsolved wilderness cases
A staggering 189 men and 51 women officially remain listed as missing since 1997 by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management after trekking into Oregon's wildest places, said Georges Kleinbaum, search and rescue coordinator for the office.

Former police officer turned investigative journalist, and author of Missing 411, and Missing 411 Eastern US, David Paulides, discovered weird and odd disappearances in U.S. national parks and forests that no one can explain. These isolated missing person cases from National State Parks (NSP) were beginning to form clusters around certain mountainous regions. Sometimes these clusters are purely geographical while others identify a linkage based on age and sex of the victims. Sometimes the only clues left by the missing were their clothes, neatly piled.

In many of the cases, victims appear to travel a vast distance or into a location which should be physically impossible to reach. For instance, a two-year-old boy named Keith Parkins, who vanished near Umatilla National Forest. The child would eventually be found 12 miles away after being gone for only 19 hours. The journey required that the toddler venture over two mountain ranges, as well as fences, creeks, and rivers. This case is just one of many where children disappear and are later found "several hundred percent" outside of the grid system carefully designed by search and rescue teams. Moreover, there are some rare cases where, after tracking dogs have led rescuers to a large river, search teams will explore the other side and "miles away, they find the kid."  Other times, the dogs pick up no scent at all, and give up.


Anonymous,  00:29  

The "Missing 411" books are the most intriguing and factually based writings I've read in years. The author details the circumstances behind the disappearances and then supplies the articles that support the facts. There are many cases from Canada as well as the U.S. The most amazing fact is that the U.S. national park Service states they do not track missing people inside their parks and when the author asks for any data associated with the missing, they want to charge him 1.4 million dollars for them to do their job, unbelievable!! Great book. Go straight to their site for purchase,, don't go to Amazon, they want too much money....

Unknown 15:27  

What park or area in Illinois shows a cluster?

Justin Sage 18:50  

Bob, the missing persons in the first Missing 411 book disappeared in the following areas in Illinois:

Helen Chenoweth 3/28/40

Pearl City
Susan Sweely 8/9/50

Lisa Schackelford 7/17/62

Kankakee River near Momence
Hannah Klamecki 6/13/07

Hope this helps!

Anonymous,  22:45  

To Bob Aussem, apparently there are two state parks there almost adjacent to each other, one called Matthiesen and one called Starved Rock. At least that is what I pieced from not having read the book but overlaying google maps with Paulides' cluster map. Surprising small parks to have had so many missing people!

Someone made a point about this, many of the place names are very negative sounding, "devil's ", etc. Because those area were known to the local indians to be extremely dangerous in ancient times. Yosemite National park for example, has the largest cluster ( probably the largest # of visitors too) but its name translates, in Miwok, to "those who kill".

Unknown 11:48  

Yes that did help. Ty!

Jen 17:49  

I'm looking into the cases in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to see what the locations of those disappearances are but can't read the online maps. It looks like one says "Palmer"? Any clarification would be appreciated! Thank you, David Paulides, for bringing this crucial information to the public's attention.

Anonymous,  19:52  

What places in Wisconsin? Also, anything near Flagstaff, Arizona?

Anonymous,  18:27  

I am interested in which cases are in Minnesota. Can anyone point me to relevant information?

Anonymous,  04:02  

Can someone please tell me the Areas is Southwestern Wa and the missing? thanks

Jwheel 22:04  

This is probably not going to be read, but I used to work at Starved Rock and my husband worked for the parks department for all of the parks in the area. Lots of very strange things happen late at night, but I have never heard of a disappearance within the park. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

The reason that Starved Rock has its name is because one local tribe trapped another on top of a tall bluff. The trapped tribe was starved to death. It's a beautiful area and worth a visit, but for God's sake don't stray from marked trails. You will almost certainly fall off a cliff.

Anonymous,  22:22  

The Upper Michigan Location is Whitefish Bay...

Tequanimum Falls State Park / Hiawatha National Forest.

Whitefish Bay is known as the Graveyard of the great lakes.

Natural causes would be High Winds, Storms, A High Wolf Population, High Black Bear Population...

Unknown 16:35  

Starved Rock. Visited once. Never going back. Visited with my gf one winter about 12 years ago. We walked the trails and headed back to our car as evening approached. When we were about 1/4 mile from the parking lot I felt uneasy like someone was following right behind me so let the gf go in front. There was a group of people about 400' behind us minding their own but I had a strong feeling of being watched so I kept turning around, looking behind me. So I turn around no more than a minute from when I last looked back and see a woman not more than 20' from me coming up at a fast walk. It was very weird because she looked to be moving faster than her legs. She stopped when our eyes met. I glared at her as I didn't like someone coming up on me like that. There were no words spoken or sound. She looked completely normal, maybe in her 50s in a bright red cloth coat. I turned back and began walking again.

I hadn't taken but a few steps when I realized there was no way she could come up on me from that group in under 30 seconds without making a sound and she didn't look to be the type to run really fast and wasn't breathing hard. The ground was flat and the trees clear of leaves so she didn't come out of the woods or a ravine. I said to myself there was just no way she could cover that amount of ground that fast and spun around to check on her. She was gone. Just vanished. There was no noise. I looked at the group behind me and no one had a red coat on.

That park is creepy with lots of branches broken off high above the ground, bent down to cover the trail we were on. Not going back.

Anonymous,  03:53  

To the anonymous poster, who stated / implied the subject is somehow linked to a high bear and wolf population ;

You have not understood the circumstances surrounding these unexplained disappearances.

The author David Paulides , the expert Park Rangers and the professionals involved clearly state that animal predation is not the cause of the disappearances.

In many of the cases, the cause death is actually UNKNOWN.
The coroner and / or the police will issue a PROBABLE (not actual) cause of death when they do not have a definitive answer.

Unknown 12:49  

how about Pisgah national forest? its a place of greatness. I know it has something going on there. but where is the concentration of danger so to speak? any help please.

Anonymous,  13:18  

What parks in MN?

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