Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Data Could be Our Demise

Every totalitarian movement begins with deluding and confusing the populace. Well, confusion and delusion abound in an era where the technological sector is the only part of our collective cultural myth of "progress" that seems to be, well, progressing. That is moving toward the ever-shifting goals of this socioeconomic utopia that one day will supposedly provide for everyone's needs. That's the delusion. The ever-shifting goalposts, moral relativity and the breakneck speed of technology provide the confusion. However, keep in mind that those who sit at the very top of this confusion and delusion are not confused or deluded in the least.

We've exchanged our privacy for massive convenience and the thrill of high-tech to the point that privacy has become an outdated, pre-internet, pre-information age notion. Anonymity doesn't exist. But the populace simply doesn't understand the implications of bulk data collection. of artificial intelligence, of the digital world that continues to replace the analog world. They are not fully informed as to how much of their data is being harvested and how it’s being used or misused. In other words, the vast majority fail to comprehend the implications of social engineering enhanced by exponential technological advancement. They fail to understand how the collection of data governs every aspect of our lives. (See China's social credit system)

From  Digital Fascism Rising?

“Any claim that we humans are (already) contending with a new form of – this time digital – fascism will immediately be discredited as overblown.

No wonder: There are very powerful business forces who each make tens of billions of dollars a year by singing the sweet song of how our existence as individuals, as well as democracy in general, is enhanced by the conveniences of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

However, the real issue is whether democracy, such as we know it, can survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We have long entered a world rife with new kinds of behavioral manipulation.

Whether we like to admit it or not, today’s secret services and Big Data companies possess much more data about us than were needed to run totalitarian states in the past. It is unlikely that such power will not be misused at some point in time. ...We humans have been sweet talked collectively to the point that we don’t even realize this new, digitally empowered kind of totalitarianism.

In the end, we're giving our permission for the substitution of a collective overmind artificially constructed by billion/trillion dollar multinationals and governments--in other words, men who want to be as gods-- for the One True God. We're led to believe in the "socioeconomically redemptive power of miracle technologies," despite all of the evidence that clearly demonstrates the opposite. Political-economic discourse is arranged precisely to obscure a “social imperative of privilege and discrimination." Instituting controls over these organizations and institutions that collect and hold this data to prevent abuse is never going to happen when they very clearly aren’t answerable to anyone.


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