Monday, June 29, 2009

Iran: Faces of the Dead and Detained

Help put a face to each of those hundreds - possibly thousands - killed or arrested since the Iranian election.

Other links that might help people understand better or support the Iranian people in their protests for democracy:

Why we protest - IRAN : Topics such as Keeping Your Anonymity In Iran; News and Current Events; Protest Advice; Activism resources; Help Iran Online; Translation: English to Farsi and Farsi to English; ETC...

Livestation : Free English versions of Al Jazeera, PressTV (Iran's state-controlled station), Russia Today, CCTV-9 (China), France 24...

Iran in crisis.

The fall-out from the Iranian presidential elections has reverberated around the world.

The BBC's World Affairs Editor, John Simpson, was in Tehran as the protests against the outcome of the vote reached their climax. John's been reporting on Iran since the Islamic revolution of 1979 and, in a change to the advertised schedule, he reflects on what he saw during the two weeks he was there.

In this special edition of Assignment, he reveals exclusive new material that exposes how the protests, and the police reprisals that followed, are intricately linked to the rivalry inside the clique of clerics who created the Islamic state.
Iranian Web Spying Aided by Western Technology:
The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet, allowing it to examine the content of individual online communications on a massive scale (deep packet inspection).
Nokia Siemens Networks has stated that they sold the Monitoring Center to Iran but denies selling the Intelligence Platform. Here are the two Nokia Siemens products:

The Intelligence Platform
The Intelligence monitoring center


Iraq Deaths Estimator
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