Monday, June 03, 2013

Whistleblower Bradley Manning Has Zero Chance of Recieving a Fair Trial.

US Army Private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking large numbers of classified documents to WikiLeaks, including the video now entitled, "Collateral Murder" (below) said he wanted to "spark a public debate on the role of US military and foreign policy."  He pleaded guilty to 10 of 22 charges against him, pleading not guilty to the most serious charge of all, aiding the enemy, an enemy that is classified, even to Bradley Manning. A classified enemy?  Don't feel bad, it even stumps legal scholars.

The "classified enemy" designation attached to one of the three entities that WikiLeaker Bradley Manning is accused of aiding has perplexed and divided professors of military law.
Manning, a 25-year-old former intelligence specialist, has been incarcerated for more than three years in connection with the largest intelligence disclosure in U.S. history. He recently admitted that he leaked hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables, incident reports from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Guantanamo detainee profiles, and, most famously, footage of a Baghdad airstrike.
In a statement he prepared in prison, Manning said that he exposed what he believed to be low-sensitivity files to promote a global dialogue about how the United States conducts war and diplomacy.
Prosecutors accuse him of "aiding the enemy," and three in particular: al-Qaida, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and a "classified enemy" referred to by a Bates number, which is a form of legal document identification.
Three professors of military law - Yale Law School's Eugene Fidell, Duke University School of Law's Scott Silliman and Texas Tech University School of Law's Richard Rosen - told Courthouse News they had never heard of a case involving a "classified enemy."
Considering all of the documents were released publicly, that enemy must be us, we, the enemies people.  Right?  Because that charge is for directly handing information to an enemy, not leaking it to the public.

So, what are his chances of recieving a fair trial? Well, President Obama has already said he "broke the law."
"President Barack Obama made stunning accusations about accused Wikileaks whistleblower PFC Bradley Manning, directly asserting that Manning “broke the law.” Apparently the President of the United States of America and a self-described Constitutional scholar does not care that Manning has yet to be tried or convicted for any crime.


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