Saturday, December 29, 2012

Places of Montezuma

While watching the magnificent and unique BBC detective series , Luther, with Idris Elba, who also played the part of Stringer Bell in the greatest television show ever made, "The Wire" I discovered this most interesting, if not brilliant song. Granted, the lyrics are a little dark--"The spinal cord of JFK Wrapped in Marilyn Monroe's negligee"--but then again, so is the series.

Psychedelic invocations
Of Mata Hari at the station
I give to you
A Java princess of Hindu Birth
A woman of flesh a child of earth
I give to you
The hanging gardens of Babylon
Miles Davis the black unicorn
I give to you
The Palaces of Montezuma
And the Gardens of Akbar's tomb
I give to you
The spider Goddess and the Needle Boy
The slave-dwarves they employ
I give to you
A custard-coloured super-dream
Of Ali McGraw and Steve McQueen
I give to you

C'mon baby, let's get out of the cold
And give me, give me, give me your precious love for me to hold

The epic of Gilgamesh
A pretty little black A-line dress
I give to you
The spinal cord of JFK
Wrapped in Marilyn Monroe's negligee
I give to you
I want nothing in return
Just the softest little breathless word
I ask of you
A word contained in a grain of sand
That can barely walk can't even stand
I ask of you

Oh c'mon baby, let's get out of the cold
And gimme gimme gimme your precious love for me to hold
C'mon baby come out of the cold
And gimme gimme gimme your precious love for me to hold


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Woman Claims Her Daughter's Pic was Used as a Sandy Hook Victim

Ordinarily I would not post the following because there are some crazy people out there who might exploit even a tragic event like Sandy Hook for attention. However, considering all of the high weirdness that surrounds this tragedy, I wouldn't be surprised if this were true.

Woman claims daughter's picture is being posted as a Sandy Hook shooting victim.


Real Scoop on Sandy Hook Shooting


Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Never Ending Columbine Nightmare For One of its Victims..

It's been over 12 years since the Columbine massacre that took place on April 20, 1999, and one survivor, whistle-blower and victim, many times over,  Mark Taylor,  continues to suffer abuse at the hands of not one state, but two: Arizona and Colorado.

"It’s been almost thirteen years since the massacre and yet at least one of the victims continues to be victimized; most disgustingly by the very government sworn to protect him and his rights. We’re talking about Mark Taylor, the seventeen year old who took seven bullets and was a couple of millimeters from death.

Last year, the State of Arizona snatched Mark out of a hospital after he was having some breathing problems. They held him and drugged him for over a year, all illegally!

With the Pro Bono help of an attorney, some political radio and web heat, Governor Jan Brewer and her cronies backed down and Mark was released back to Colorado to stay with his mother Donna. All this AFTER the State of Arizona filled a suit to become Mark’s PERMANENT LEGAL GUARDIAN.

Donna brought Mark back home to Colorado and Mark was being slowly weened off the toxic psychiatric medication he had been force fed illegally in Arizona.

After a relapse in his health, the Colorado “Mental Health” “Authorities” snatched him away again. They’ve stolen his social security benefits, but surely that small sum of money is not the true motive for the continued illegal incarcerations and brain-washing of this fine young man.

1. Mark recovered from his grievous wounds AND the psychological aftermath.

2. Mark went on a book tour and appeared on Television, always lucid and well-mannered.

3. Mark testified at the FDA along with Dr. Ann Blake Tracy to push for the “Black Label” suicide warning label that is now on ALL SSRI drugs, like the ones Harris was on when he went on his murderous rampage.

4. Mark filed a lawsuit against Solvay Pharmaceuticals alleging that the Luvox that Eric Harris was taking contributed to his homicidal tendencies. This “side effect” is now considered to be empirically proven in the Kauffman Study published in 2009. Full Kauffman Study.

5. Mark, along with other students and witnesses, told investigators that there were shooters on the roof. Mark made public statements to this effect for several years after the massacre. However, the “official” Jefferson County Investigation claims that the man on the roof was an air conditioning maintenance man. Nearly ten years after the massacre a video tape was obtained that was filmed live during the shooting revealing that not only was Jeffco lying about there being no rooftop shooters, there was, in fact a whole SWAT team on the roof shooting blindly into the building. ”Covering fire” it was referred to if you dig into the 40,000 + pages that came out in the years after the official 10,000 pages were released. See for yourself:

6. If the motive for the massacre was about jocks, why did the boys write “Killing Cops” in their journals and “Fuck You Walsh,” referring to Sheriff Walsh who arrested the boys for breaking into the car in January of the preceding year? Click here for those details.

7. Why was the bomb warrant on the Harris home not served when it was ready to be signed by a judge more than a year before the massacre? And why did Jeffco hide the bomb warrant during the initial investigations? And why did the bomb warrant
( ) NOT have an evidence numberstamped onto it?

Lastly, and most importantly, why has there been such a massive coverup of the Columbine Massacre? The simplest explanation is that Sheriff Walsh sexually assaulted at least one of the boys. Take a look at the “crime scene drawing” done by Eric Harris the night of “The January Incident.” Surely, this picture does NOT depict the scene of the crime where the boy broke into the van and it certainly isn’t a man with a star walking a dog, as some would like to suggest. It looks plain and simply as an anal sexual assault by a man wearing a five-pointed star–a Sheriff’s badge. And THAT is why the Basement tapes are locked up in the National Archives because it’s logical to conclude that those tapes reveal the true motive: “Killing Cops” and “Our Revenge for the January Incident Will be God Like.” Just like we’ve seen with the Catholic Church and the recent Penn State Scandal, the world is infested with male sexual predators. In this case, we claim, they wore a badge and were sworn to protect. Incidentally, we’ve made extensive efforts to locate Sheriff Walsh, but he seems to have joined Jimmy Hoffa. Evil exists in the World and we must not turn away from it, rather we must continue to shed light on this ugly truth.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Remember All The Children, Mr. President.

Bill Quigley, a human rights lawyer and law professor at Loyola University New Orleans and Associate Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights posted the following:

Remember All the Children, Mr. President
Including those whose lives were destroyed by United States policies, actions and inaction.
by Bill Quigley

"Remember the 20 children who died in Newtown Connecticut.

Remember the 35 children who died in Gaza this month from Israeli bombardments.

Remember the 168 children who have been killed by US drone attacks in Pakistan since 2006.

Remember the 231 children killed in Afghanistan in the first 6 months of this year.

Remember the 400 other children in the US under the age of 15 who die from gunshot wounds each year.

Remember the 921 children killed by US air strikes against insurgents in Iraq.

Remember the 1,770 US children who die each year from child abuse and maltreatment.

Remember the 16,000 children who die each day around the world from hunger.

These tragedies must end.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Suspect Discovered in Sandy Hook Shooting?

I believe the official story is that one man, Adam Lanza, who conveniently killed himself, was the lone gunman responsible for killing 20 innocent children and six staff members at Sandy Hooks Elementary School. However, initial reports and video footage seem to tell a different story. There is no doubt that at least two men were apprehended and/or confronted by police, yet the mainstream media  is not asking any questions about the possibility of multiple shooters, and the police remain silent on the matter.

"I have reports of two shooters running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear," a dispatcher said on the tape, before trailing off.
Below, a news helicopter caught the scene of police hunting down and apparently apprehending one suspect in the woods behind the school right after the shooting. The footage also reveals another mysterious man who was not apprehended. He can be seen crouched behind a bush and then making his escape.

Below, 9-year old boy describes what he saw and heard during the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. He says he saw one man in handcuffs at the firehouse (in addition to the man apprehended in the woods behind the school). One viewer of this video said that this child's father went into great detail on the arrest but it was edited out. "The LA Times had a video of police running from the school to the woods to make the arrest. Now the police said it never happened. The original footage was on WFSB channel 3."

An adult male describes man in dark jacket and camo pants being escorted out of the woods by police.

Connecticut Police Radio Calls


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Aurora, Sandy Hook and The Dark Knight Rises

Update  12/18/12:

George Freund at Conspiracy Cafe discovered that there are 28 marks on the map. One for each victim? Another coincidence, I'm sure.

From Gotham City Archives

"WORSE STILL: There were 6 adult staff murdered. There are SIX squares to the left of Strike Zone 4. There were 20 children murdered. Twelve were girls. Eight were boys. There are 7 circles around Strike Zone 4 and five to the right of Strike Zone 3. That makes 12 girls. The other circles are dotted lines. There are EIGHT one for each boy. Strike Zone 1 would be the Lanza home. There is a red circle around a blue square. The Lanza home was blue. Nancy was killed there. To the left of Strike Zone 1 is a square with a dotted line around it for Adam. It is the EXACT death toll and combination. THIS IS MORE THAN EERIE! - George Freund


"Key image" in The Dark Knight Rises Viral Package Credit: Warner Bros.
The following excerpt is from an article taken from the blog, Alternate Takes.  It was published on July 25, 2012, obviously well in advance of the tragic shooting  at Sandy Hook Elementary School that occurred in Connecticut on Friday.  
"The key image in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises is not the tattered American flags or the exploding football field. It’s an image that circulated in viral marketing months before the film’s release - Bane’s ‘strike zones’, circled on a map of Gotham City  [notice Sandy Hook in the picture of the map above]. The package, sent out to key websites in December 2011, reappeared in The Dark Knight Rises, as Detective John Blake studied it for clues. ‘I don’t know anything about civil engineering,’ he protests. Jim Gordon reassures him. ‘But you know about patterns.’

The Dark Knight Rises - the entire Dark Knight trilogy - is about patterns. It’s about networks. It’s about matrices, links, dialogues, nodes on a map. It’s about echoes between those terms, and the way those terms define themselves in relation to each other, and can shift, and change places. It’s not just as a comment on capitalism that Bane’s men raid a stock exchange, and Bruce ponders the trades they were making.

Just as Batman Begins (2005) suggested that Scarecrow’s use of fear as a weapon was no different from Batman’s, and The Dark Knight (2008) ramped up the stakes by asking what, if anything, separated Batman’s counter-terror measures from Joker’s terror, so The Dark Knight Rises is about the fragility of definitions, the limits of structures, the illusion of binary oppositions."
Screen shot from Dark Knight Rises
What's more, 1 hour 58 minutes and  41 seconds into "Dark Knight Rises" the "Sandy Hook" map (left) appears. As the character, Gordon points to the words, "Sandy Hook", he says, "figure out how to bring it down." It's very clear in the Blue-Ray version.

And one more coincidence.  In the beginning of the movie, as the camera pans across the Shangai skyline, the  Aurora (Aurora movie theater shooting) logo appears on top of the Aurora Plaza, which is a 185 m high skyscraper in the Pudong financial district of Shanghai, China.

I'm sure most will dismiss  these events as chance occurrences, and maybe they are, but you have to admit, it's a little strange.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Once Again the U.S. is Fomenting War.

The United States is sending heavy weapons--mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles -- from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.  Not that this should come as any surprise considering our history of covertly facilitating upheaval, unrest and destabilization of nations, from Operation Gladio, which, controlled by the CIA and Britain’s MI6, orchestrated terrorist attacks in Western Europe, which were blamed on Communist entities to Operation Cyclone, the program to arm and finance the Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, 1979 to 1989, to Iran-Contra where the Reagan administration used proceeds from arms sale to Iran to fund the right-wing Contras in an effort to overturn Nicaragua’s democratically elected, Sandanista government. 

"The Americans have bought some of the weapons from the stockpiles of Muammar Gadaffi, the Libyan dictator killed last year. They include SA-7 missiles, which can be used to shoot down aircraft.
According to Fox News, Ambassador Chris Stevens, murdered on the anniversary of 9/11, while on a highly secretive U.S. mission in Benghazi was really there to "to negotiate a weapons transfer in an effort to get SA-7 missiles out of the hands of Libya-based extremists."

Moreover, supposedly, leaked documents from the Saudi Interior Ministry show that criminals convicted of drug trafficking, murder and rape have been given a choice to fight in Syria. Documents show that 105 Yemenis, 21 Palestinians, 212 Saudis, 96 Sudanese, 254 Syrians, 82 Jordanians, 68 Somalis, 32 Afghans, 194 Egyptians, 203 Pakistanis, 23 Iraqis, 44 Kuwaitis had taken up the offer of a death row pardon.

After arming Libyan rebels and taking out their leader, we're now arming Syrian rebels.  Why are we supporting Islamic extremists--the very people the U.S. government pegs as terrorists--to overthrow Assad? 

Again, this is nothing new. The not-so-mainstream media has been reporting this for a very long time.


'Annex' hit in Libya terror attack was CIA post, officials say

CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya

Rep: 'Blissful silence' from Pentagon on questions over arms shipments from Libya to Syria

NATO-backed terrorists along Turkish-Syrian border establish Al Qaeda-style "Virtue, Vice Police," heralding the West's true designs for Syria.


Monday, December 10, 2012

What's Really Going on in Syria?

As most of us already know, the US has been calling for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s removal from power and Washington has already admitted to providing logistical and communication assistance to militants in Syria. Now, US intelligence agencies have detected that Assad's government is preparing its chemical weapons stockpile for possible use. Of course, that conveniently follows Hilary Clinton's chemical weapons red-line rhetoric. The "there will be consequences" hype echos loud and clear, reminiscent of the Bush administration's false “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq” pretext for the Iraq War. Meanwhile, there are 17 US Warships and thousands of US soldiers near the Syrian coast.

"It is in close proximity to the coast of Syria. On board the ship are 70 fighter-bombers and a total 8,000 US servicemen."
However, despite what we see and hear from our officials and the mainstream media "news" outlets, the Syrian government claims that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country. You may not believe that, but consider this: President Bashar Al-Assad, a former physician who said, "Syria faces not a civil war, but terrorism by proxies," banned GMOs in food ‘to preserve the health of human beings.' Now, does that sound like someone who doesn't care about his people?  Even if he doesn't give a damn about innocent human life, anyone with the slightest bit of common sense knows that to use those chemical weapons would be tantamount to suicide.

The reality is right now that fear mongering, media manipulation and creating pretexts for regime change are just as prevalent, if not increased since the last administration.


Saturday, December 08, 2012

Intelligence Gathering Military Drones Stalk American Skies.

EFF posted several thousand pages of new drone license records and a new map (above)
that tracks the location of drone flights across the United States.

Military drones--Predators and the larger, more powerful Reapers, capable of both spying on people and firing missiles at them--used to track terrorists or insurgents--or anyone who happens to be in range--
MQ-9 Reaper (Remotely Piloted Vehicles) operated by
ground controllers.
Pre-programmed flight plans allow
other UAVs to operate autonomously
in Afghanistan and America's shadowy counter-terrorism campaigns in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, the Philippines and the new epicenter of America’s shadow war in East Africa have also been stalking  U.S.skies.  Newly released documents show U.S. remote-controlled warplanes by the Air Force, Marine Corps and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the first time thanks to the result of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Of course, the EFF waited over a year and a half for the FAA to release their records, and that's not even half of what they requested from the agency.  That might take another year and a half.
"The records show that the Air Force has been testing out a bunch of different drone types, from the smaller, hand-launched Raven, Puma and Wasp drones designed by Aerovironment in Southern California, to the much larger Predator and Reaper drones responsible for civilian and foreign military deaths abroad. The Marine Corps is also testing drones, though it chose to redact so much of the text from its records that we still don't know much about its programs.
Remember, the U.S. military doesn’t need an FAA license to fly drones-- intelligence gathering systems--over its own military bases but it does need a license to fly in the national airspace.
"A white S.U.V. traveling along a highway adjacent to the base came into the cross hairs in the center of the screen and was tracked as it headed south along the desert road. When the S.U.V. drove out of the picture, the drone began following another car.

“Wait, you guys practice tracking enemies by using civilian cars?” a reporter asked. One Air Force officer responded that this was only a training mission, and then the group was quickly hustled out of the room.
Also the thousands of pages of released records reveal that "law enforcement agencies want to use drones to support a whole host of police work," mainly in the case of drug investigations.  That's right, they'll be scouring the skies looking for pot. Already, several states--Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Texas--are partnering with the federal Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security for drug enforcement purposes. In fact, some states are withholding "some or—in Orange County's case—almost all information about their drone flights—including what type of drone they're flying, where they're flying it, and what they want to use it for—claiming that releasing this information would pose a threat to police work."

Now, it's not all bad, however, keep in mind that positive reasons can serve to mask not so positive reasons for drones.
"Universities and state and local agencies are finding new and creative uses for drones. For example, the Washington State Department of Transportation requested a drone license to help with avalanche control, while the U.S. Department of Energy in Wyoming wanted to use a drone to “monitor fugitive methane emissions.” The University of Michigan requested one license for its “Flying Fish” drone—essentially a buoy that floats on open water but that can reposition itself via flight (check out the picture to the left of the drone with some dolphin)—and another license for its “YellowTail” drone, which is designed to study “persistent solar-powered flight.”

Air Force May Be Developing Stealth Drones in Secret
"If these robots are real, the Air Force’s drone era is not only not ending — it’s barely begun."
"Operational Risk Analysis of Predator/Reaper Flight Operations in a Corridor between Cannon AFB and Melrose Range (R-5104A)"


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

U.S. is Only Developed County where Younger Generation will Receive Less Education than their Parents

From All Gov:

The expectation that young Americans will always be better educated and more successful than their parents is no longer true.

A new report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) says the United States is now the only major economy in the world where the younger generation will not surpass the preceding generation in terms of schooling.

Andreas Schleicher, special adviser on education at the OECD, told the BBC News: “It’s something of great significance because much of today’s economic power of the United States rests on a very high degree of adult skills—and that is now at risk.”

Today, only about 20% of young adults will reach a higher level of education than their parents, a rate that’s among the lowest rates in the developed world, according to the OECD. Schleicher says that a major problem in the U.S. is that the skyrocketing cost of going to college has created a barrier for many young Americans who do not come from wealthy families.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


Monday, December 03, 2012

Drone War Civilian Casualties Including 178 Children

The Drone War continues with barely a mention in the U.S. media despite--since the beginning of Obama's presidency--drone strikes occurring every four days. When the Drone War does make the news, there is no mention of the extensive number of civilian casualties, and much is made of striking high level militants, which only represent 2% of total killed by drones.

Currently, it is estimated that there have been 800 civilian casualties, and of that number, 178  children. That, combined with frightened populations living under constant threat from a distant enemy should be enough to make Americans stand up against these illegal drone wars.


Effects of Drones on Children in Targeted Areas

Obama's Drone Program Escapes Liberal Scrutiny in Campaign

Iraq Deaths Estimator
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