Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Data Could be Our Demise

Every totalitarian movement begins with deluding and confusing the populace. Well, confusion and delusion abound in an era where the technological sector is the only part of our collective cultural myth of "progress" that seems to be, well, progressing. That is moving toward the ever-shifting goals of this socioeconomic utopia that one day will supposedly provide for everyone's needs. That's the delusion. The ever-shifting goalposts, moral relativity and the breakneck speed of technology provide the confusion. However, keep in mind that those who sit at the very top of this confusion and delusion are not confused or deluded in the least.

We've exchanged our privacy for massive convenience and the thrill of high-tech to the point that privacy has become an outdated, pre-internet, pre-information age notion. Anonymity doesn't exist. But the populace simply doesn't understand the implications of bulk data collection. of artificial intelligence, of the digital world that continues to replace the analog world. They are not fully informed as to how much of their data is being harvested and how it’s being used or misused. In other words, the vast majority fail to comprehend the implications of social engineering enhanced by exponential technological advancement. They fail to understand how the collection of data governs every aspect of our lives. (See China's social credit system)

From  Digital Fascism Rising?

“Any claim that we humans are (already) contending with a new form of – this time digital – fascism will immediately be discredited as overblown.

No wonder: There are very powerful business forces who each make tens of billions of dollars a year by singing the sweet song of how our existence as individuals, as well as democracy in general, is enhanced by the conveniences of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

However, the real issue is whether democracy, such as we know it, can survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We have long entered a world rife with new kinds of behavioral manipulation.

Whether we like to admit it or not, today’s secret services and Big Data companies possess much more data about us than were needed to run totalitarian states in the past. It is unlikely that such power will not be misused at some point in time. ...We humans have been sweet talked collectively to the point that we don’t even realize this new, digitally empowered kind of totalitarianism.

In the end, we're giving our permission for the substitution of a collective overmind artificially constructed by billion/trillion dollar multinationals and governments--in other words, men who want to be as gods-- for the One True God. We're led to believe in the "socioeconomically redemptive power of miracle technologies," despite all of the evidence that clearly demonstrates the opposite. Political-economic discourse is arranged precisely to obscure a “social imperative of privilege and discrimination." Instituting controls over these organizations and institutions that collect and hold this data to prevent abuse is never going to happen when they very clearly aren’t answerable to anyone.


The Rise Of Totalitarian Technology

Global Mass Surveillance And How Facebook's Private Army Is Militarizing Our Data

Robocall Debt Collectors are Already Demonizing Debtors

San Diego Has Been Turned Into A Massive Chinese-Style Public Surveillance Network

MLB Going Full-Blown TSA: Teams Prepare To Scan Millions Of Fans Faces

If Truth Be Told About Fake News, Trolls & “Astroturfing

Google's Selfish Ledger

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Since Time Immemorial: The Hallowed Symbol of the Cross

Throughout the world, people universally regard the Cross as the symbol of Christianity as the symbol recalls the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of his Passion, death and Resurrection. It is thus a sign both of Christ himself and of the faith of Christians.

However, what is not very well-known is that the reverence shown to the sign of the Cross occurred in all of the ages prior to Christianity, and still is revered in almost every land where that of Calvary is unrecognized and unknown. Yet, throughout modern times, anyway, official "history has been [mostly] silent on this subject" of this universal symbol. The obvious reason for the silence, in my humble opinion, is that this pre-Christian and pagan reverence for the Cross foreshadows the coming of Christ and  testifies to the presence of Him throughout the history of all mankind, as it proves that all human beings are innately predisposed to revere the Cross, and this knowledge might encourage or solidify belief in the very thing that the worldly powers are attempting to eliminate: Jesus Christ.

From an article in the Edinburgh Review, July 1870:
From the dawn of organized Paganism in the Eastern world, to the final establishment of Christianity in the West, the cross was undoubtedly one of the commonest and most sacred of symbolical monuments; and to a remarkable extent it is so still in almost every land where that of Calvary is unrecognized and unknown. Apart from any distinctions of social or intellectual superiority, of caste, color, nationality, or location in either hemisphere, it appears to have been the aboriginal possession of every people in antiquity—the elastic girdle, so to say, which widely separated heathen communities—the most significant token of universal brotherhood, to which all families of mankind were severally and irresistibly drawn, and by which their common descent was emphatically expressed, or by means of which each and all preserved, amid every vicissitude of fortune, a knowledge of the primeval happiness and dignity of their species. Where authentic history is silent on the subject, the material relics of the past and long since forgotten races are not wanting to confirm and strengthen this supposition. “Diversified forms of the symbol are delineated more or less artistically, according to the progress achieved in civilization at the period, on the ruined walls of temples and palaces, on natural rocks and sepulchral galleries, on the hoariest monoliths and the rudest statuary; on coins, medals, and vases of every description; and in not a few instances, are preserved in the architectural proportions of subterranean as well as superterranean structures of tumuli, as well as fanes. The extraordinary sanctity attaching to the symbol in every age and under every variety of circumstance justified any expenditure incurred in its fabrication or embellishment; hence the most persistent labor, the most consummate ingenuity, were lavished upon it. Populations of essentially different culture, tastes, and pursuits—the highly-civilized and the semi-civilized, the settled and the nomadic—vied with each other in their superstitious adoration of it, and in their efforts to extend the knowledge of its exceptional import and virtue amongst their latest posterities. The marvelous rock-hewn caves of Elephanta and Ellora, and the stately temples of Mathura and Terputty, in the East, may be cited as characteristic examples of one laborious labor of exhibiting it; and the megalithic structures of Callernish and Newgrange, in the West, of another; while a third may be instanced in the great temple of Mitzla, the ‘City of the Moon’, in Ojaaca, Central America, also excavated in the living rock, and manifesting the same stupendous labor and ingenuity as are observable in the cognate caverns of Salsette—of endeavors, we repeat made by peoples as intellectually as geographically distinct, and followers withal of independent and unassociated deities, to magnify and perpetuate some grand primeval symbol…
Of the several varieties of the Cross still in vogue, as national and ecclesiastical emblems, in this and other European states, and distinguished by the familiar appellations of St. George, St. Andrew, the Maltese, the Greek, the Latin, etc. etc., there is not one amongst them, the existence of which may not be traced to the remotest antiquity. They were the common property of the Eastern nations. No revolution or other causality has wrought any perceptible difference in their several forms or delineations; they have passed from one hemisphere to the other intact; have survived dynasties, empires and races; have been borne on the crest of each successive wave of Aryan population in its course toward the West; and having been re-consecrated in later times by their lineal descendants, are still recognized as military and national badges of distinction…
Among the earliest known types is the crux ansata, vulgarly called ‘the key of the Nile’, because of its being found sculptured or otherwise represented so frequently upon Egyptian and Coptic monuments. It has, however, a very much older and more sacred significance than this. It was the symbol of symbols, the mystical Tau, ‘the hidden wisdom,’ not only of the ancient Egyptians but also of the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Mexicans, Peruvians and of every other ancient people commemorated in history, in either hemisphere, and is formed very similarly to our letter T, with a roundlet, or oval placed immediately above it. Thus, it was figured on the gigantic emerald or glass statue of Serapis, which was transported (293 B.C.) by order of Ptolemy Soter from Sinope on the southern shores of the Black Sea, re-erected within that famous labyrinth which encompassed the banks of Lake Moeris, and destroyed them by the victorious army of Theodosius (A.D. 389) despite the earnest entreaties of the Egyptian priesthood to spare it, because it was the emblem of their god and ‘the life to come….
That each known variety has been derived from a common source and is emblematical of one and the same truth may be inferred from the fact of forms identically the same, whether simple or complex, cropping out in contrary directions, in the Western as well as the Eastern hemisphere.”
Nevertheless, as the recent Zeitgeist film portrays the biblical accounts of Jesus as plagiarizing the story of Horus, Krishna, Mithras, Dionysis and other pagan Gods, without any historical evidence whatsoever as these gods never existed, there are those who interpret the pre-Christian and pagan reverence of the  religious symbol throughout history up until today as proof that the Cross--because it was used and is used by non-believers/non-Christians-- is essentially meaningless despite Jesus' cammoand to "Take up your cross and follow me." Some even go as far as to interpret the cross as a symbol from the devil.
Satan the devil knew long before Jesus was born that He would die by crucifixion (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14; Psalm 22:16). In an attempt to deceive the world and lead people into worshipping a false Christ, the Devil made the cross a popular symbol of worship.
Well, the fact of the matter is that demons hate the Crucifix. There is a reason it is used in exorcisms, and there is a reason, those who worship Satan try to reverse the Catholic mass, defile the Eucharist and mock the Cross. If the Cross was essentially meaningless or powerless, those who hate God wouldn't bother.  Satan's, the great counterfeiter, only power  is his persuasive ability to separate us from God through his genius ability to be whatever you want him to be, until he has hardened your heart to the point of what he believes is no turning back, only he's wrong: as long as you have breath in your body there is turning back thanks to God's great mercy.

Anyway, the Zeitgeist creators, and other Bible skeptics, benefit from the appeal to skeptic fallacy: I doubt therefore I am [superior]. Declaring Myself As A Skeptic Defaults Me Unearned and Unassailable Credibility without me having to lift a finger, or the belief that skeptics are exempt from having to provide authoritative outsider recitation or evidence to support a contended claim or counter-claim, as if skeptics are free of any kind of agenda but to find truth with no burden of proof placed on them.

In reality, no other figure, religious or otherwise, has received even close to the scrutiny that Jesus did and does, not to mention, the New Testament, which has been verified by manuscript evidence to be the most reliable and substantiated document in antiquity.  This alone should be enough to listen to Jesus when He says, "Take up your cross and follow me."

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Rise of the Anti Hero and the Triumph of Solipsim in a Godless World

This beyond dark imagery is becoming more and more prevalent. Just the imagery associated with some of the movies and television shows--for example, the imagery from American Horror Story--today repulses me. However, the imagery isn't always so repugnant.  From Dexter to Walter White to Tony Soprano to Frank Underwood to Jack Bauer the world is awash in antiheroes who sell sex, death, destruction and moral corruption as easily as...well, as easily as the devil sold the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The antihero rapes, tortures, kills, corrupts, etc. in service of his or her sense of what constitutes “the greater good.,” and not only do we root for them, we love them--some, of course, more than others. With the exception of Dexter because I can't stomach the idea of a "heroic" torturous serial killer-- I've watched them all and as much as I hate to admit it, to this day, I miss Tony Soprano and Walter White.  What that says about me speaks volumes. So I'm preaching to myself (and hopefully to my children if they ever read my blog...I'm certainly not holding my breath) because I'm as easily seduced, if not more so, by  the anti-hero.  As the saying goes: People teach what they need to learn.

In order to define antihero, you must first define hero because anti simply means “against,” or “opposite of.” So, what is a hero? He or she is one whose virtues and good works greatly outdistance those of ordinary good people. To take it a step further, heroes are "souls already purified from all attachment to things worldly, and solidly anchored in the love of God."  To put it very simply, an antihero is a central character or protagonist in a novel, play, movie, TV show, video game, etc, who lacks heroic virtues: temperance, fortitude, prudence, and whose virtues and good works greatly outdistance those of ordinary good people.

Virtue consists in the following, or imitation, of God [Jesus Christ]. Every virtue, like every other thing, has its type [exemplar] in God. Thus the Divine mind itself is the type of prudence; God using all things to minister to His glory is the type of temperance, by which man subjects his lower appetites to reason; justice is typified by God's application of the eternal law to all His works; Divine immutability is the type of fortitude. And, since it is man's nature to live in society, the four cardinal virtues are social [politicae] virtues, inasmuch as by them man rightly ordains his conduct in daily life. Man, however, must raise himself beyond his natural life unto a life Divine: 'Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect' (Matthew 5:48). It is, therefore, necessary to posit certain virtues midway between the social virtues, which are human, and the exemplary virtues, which are Divine. These intermediate virtues are of two degrees of perfection: the lesser in the soul still struggling upwards from a life of sin to a likeness with God — these are called purifying virtues [virtutes purgatoriae]; the greater in the souls which have already attained to the Divine likeness — these are called virtues of the purified soul [virtutes jam purgati animi]. In the lesser degree, prudence, moved by the contemplation of things Divine, despises all things earthly and directs all the soul's thought unto God alone; temperance relinquishes, as far as nature allows, the things required for bodily wants; fortitude removes the fear of departing this life and facing the life beyond; justice approves of the aforesaid dispositions. In the higher perfection of souls already purified and firmly united with God, prudence knows nothing but what it beholds in God; temperance ignores earthly desires; fortitude knows nothing of passions; justice is bound to the Divine mind by a perpetual compact to do as it does. This degree of perfection belongs to the blessed in heaven or to a few of the most perfect in this life. -- St. Thomas (I-II:61:4)
The rise of the antihero is establishing a new social order completely independent of nature and totally at the service of human will.  Whereas, literary heroes used to be good people who did good things for good reasons, in contemporary literature, antiheroes have begun to outnumber heroes.  However, the anti-hero is getting harder and harder to discern as all moral boundaries are consistently and seductively blurred.  In other words, anti-heroism is a response to modern man's uncertainties about moral code and value judgements as modern anti-heroism captures the sensibility associated with modernism. The reader, spectator empathizes with characters who are immoral.
The moral inversion of suspense is when the spectator empathizes with characters who are immoral, who are not necessarily presented as morally preferable in the narrative and may thus otherwise have been perceived as unsympathetic, and feels suspense in relation to a situation where it seems unlikely that this character will succeed. Empathizing with the character makes the spectator root for this character wanting him or her to succeed--more traditionally seen -- (The Antihero in American Television by Margrethe Bruun Vaage)
The devil, it turns out, with his disarming mix of charm and wit on the one hand and darkness and terror on the other, rules the day ...All you want to do is join the party, be his friend, sit next to him, make him smile. 
Through Wisdom is a house built; and by Understanding it is established: [But] by Knowledge shall all the chambers be filled." (Proverbs 24:3-4)
Instilling fear--because when fear dominates our thinking, love is absent--and the transvaluation (reversing the meaning of traditional and accepted values) and inversion of the predominant moral system of the Christian world are the operating principles of modernity and the postmodern ethos, which has successfully seized the moral high ground...not all that hard, considering the levers of power are in their hands to not only  'do what thy wilt,' but to convince us that 'to do what thy wilt is the whole of the law,' that is, unless you step out of line.


The Rise of the Antihero

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Three-Ring Circus that Has Replaced the Three Branches of Government?

No matter what you think of imprisoned writer and activist, Mumia Abu Jamal, he hit the nail on the head when he told Chris Hedges,

What’s necessary for the state is the illusion of normality, of regularity … In Rome, what the emperors needed was bread and circuses. In America, what we need is ‘Housewives of Atlanta.’ We need sports. The moral stories of good cops and evil people [or evil cops and Because you have that …. there is no critical thinking in America ...”
However, since Donald Trump took office, the "illusion of normality, of regularity" grows thinner everyday,  yet because the indoctrinated public is so unable or unwilling to revise their current belief in the truth of "officialdom", and in the United States as a beacon of light, they're easily swayed by appeals to authority, to emotion, to fear, etc., and can't see through the greatest show on earth designed to distract them from the reality that their government is not even pretending to be a constitutional republic, not even pretending to be a democracy.

From Trump's absurd presidency to hysterical Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, and everything in between, it's hard to differentiate between reality and satire; reality and parody; reality and entertainment. Watching Trump's entire presidency is like watching back to back episodes of "Saturday Night Live", fill-in-the-blank reality TV,  and/or  "As the World Turns".  Perhaps, that's because what we're told is reality is, in reality, the Greatest Show on Earth, that the only thing we can be sure of is that we're being duped and indoctrinated to replace the Truth/Reality with this alternate and virtual reality  

"Bread and circuses" anchored the domestic politics of ancient Rome: feed and put on a good show to placate the masses...keep them distracted, fat and happy. However today, thanks mostly to the exponential advancement of technology, the bread isn't as important as the three-ring circus that has replaced the three branches of government. In other words, the never ending, all encompassing circus is the mainstay of global politics and President Trump gladly plays the role of puppet ring-master. What we're seeing today is a manufactured reality, a matrix conjured up by parasitical globalist wizards in order to beguile the overtaxed, over-policed, overburdened, undernourished, poisoned, traumatized, dumbed-down, plundered, indoctrinated populace. Yes, it's more important than ever to keep the masses compliant, convinced, and captivated...keep them in their place so as the prison walls turn, they don't turn in on their masters.

Keep in mind that  cultural revolution precedes political revolution.  The three-ring circus that presents as reality today wouldn't work five or six decades ago, prior to the sexualization of American society including children, prior to the destruction of the Catholic Church in the northern hemisphere, prior to the destruction of the family, prior to the "anything goes" moral relativity that has eliminated God from the public square. Directly or indirectly--through entertainment,  pop culture,  public "education", foundations, secret societies, laws, technology, etc.--the culture had to be changed to roll out the circus.

So, yes the reality show that is pretending to be started long before President Trump.  It started inching it's way  out of the closet when President-elect Donald Trump met with “Apprentice” director Mark Burnett to discuss a reality-TV-style inauguration, complete with a grand entrance by helicopter.  According to the New York Times, he didn't get his wish, however, every day since President Trump took office proves otherwise.  Think about it.  President Trump spends most of his time tweeting, golfing, watching TV...when does he have time to preside?  And if he's not presiding, who is? 

Washington DC has become the ultimate reality show of reality shows that have been created to replace...wait for it, reality, and  Brett Kavanaugh's "confirmation hearing" is just the latest episode as they continue to inundate  us with theatrics, spectacle and tabloid static. "Due-process", "presumption of innocence," "evidence" mean nothing thanks to our trial by media society, where faulty generalizations, cherry picking, circular reasoning, red herrings, appeal to authority, appeals to emotion, ad infinitum, proceed unchallenged.

Today's three ring circus is dominated by money and profit, imagery and spin, hype and personality,  guarantees that nothing in the way of real truth reaches the populace.  It is so emotionally charged and entertaining that it make you forget that you live in a police state.
In 2016, his Republican primary opponents didn’t recognize that we are living in an age of bread and circuses, an age Donald Trump didn’t create but into which he inserted his own circus. Curiosity seekers filled the tent and loved the show.”

The sophisticates in the media thought they could beat Donald Trump at this game by burying him under waves of negative publicity. But he feeds off of it, just as he turned the Philadelphia Eagles’ White House no-show into a display of patriotic music, with the maestro at the center.

Now, fantastically, some Democrats are complaining that they can’t get their message out (the tax cut didn’t work, Medicare for all) because Donald Trump has blotted out the media sun. Gee whiz, whose fault is that?

The eclipse won’t end. The media has turned the Trump presidency into a phenomenon of constant self-absorption—their self-absorption in this one person. Donald Trump has become the biggest balloon in a political Macy’s parade of modern media’s own creation. They could let go of the ropes. But they won’t. ─ Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
The world is truly a stage now. Everything we see is, at the very least, partially choreographed, scripted, and 99% theatrical. That those who occupy the highest or celebrated positions in government, media, academia, etc., are, more or less, mind-controlled life-time actors who live out the roles they've been chosen to play based on their talents, personalities, background, intelligence, etc. No, they don't memorize lines and they don't rehearse, and they may not even know the circumstances they will face--many do not even know they're actors-- but, ultimately, through indoctrination, trauma-based mind control, blackmail, reward, etc., they will act and react as their character. In other words, they become their character just as the greatest method actors become the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of the person they've been chosen to play. The difference, of course, being, it's a lifetime role. They live it on and even off camera for as long as needed.

Meanwhile, the global dominance that has been progressing for centuries--now that Europe is consolidated under the EU; the North American union is consolidated under NAFTA, and other more powerful "free" trade agreements consolidating the planet; the entire media consolidated under five corporations, and banks and national corporations being run by fewer and fewer multinationals--is almost complete. The final steps that are firmly establishing totalitarian global order--as they divide, confuse and confound the masses with the three-ring circus led by Trump, are being taken.

In other words, as the three-ring circus rolls out act after act, behind the scenes,  the true powers that be are consolidating even more power than they already have; each "crisis" unifying the most powerful, entrenching authority even more deeply, while they concentrate the power in the hands of the same global elite that created and designed the never ending crisis, disasters and absurdities we see everyday.  Make no mistake, there is a very definite method to their madness, a very definite order to the "chaos".

The bottom line is that the unaccountable technocracy continue to tweak the Luciferian establishment system that protects and expands a perverse culture that repudiates the most sacred tenants of civilization as we know it, blurring all distinctions between not only national borders, but between man and woman, human and machine, God and man, etc. The biggest obstacle to this new order has been and is always God so the consolidation effort must be extended to the sphere of religion because global power understands the religious nature of human beings, hence our survival of the fittest "enlightenment" with the creation of  Darwinism, scientism, humanism, transhumanism, and other isms and 'ologies, reinforced by "pop culture", "celebrity culture," etc.,that pushes our Creator to the sidelines.  This--the attempt to replace/ transform/erase the Wisdom that's written and inscribed in our hearts by our Creator --is the hidden issue that is not only ignored but, with great effort, actively suppressed by the establishment because they know their totalitarian agenda is impossible when the foundation of our hope rests upon God's Wisdom; when the multitude is animated by a spirit of understanding and unselfishness by the principles and spirit of the Gospel.
And unto man he said to man: Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom: and to depart from evil, is understanding."  
Nevertheless, as long as we're breathing, it's never too late to take back our souls from this worldly agenda. The choice is ultimately ours: Do we become obedient servants of a Godless institutional despotism or the obedient servants of a Loving and Sovereign God who created the world and everything in it?
 For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? Mark 8:36


Trump Is the Symptom, Not the Disease

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Imposing a Gender Neutral Gender Fluid World Order?

Immediately after a baby is born, before it is even handed over to the mother, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" is exclaimed in celebration of a precious new life. Why? Because it's so obvious at first glance and really it's the only thing we can determine at this point, all the immutable rest--height, shoe size, etc.-- about this new life will slowly unfold over time. But if external genitalia is not enough--as it's not in incredibly rare cases of hermaphroditic anatomy (0.02% of newborns)--to convince one of the biological reality of males and females, different chromosomes, genes (new study finds 6,500 genes expressed differently according to biological sex), hormones, and internal reproductive organs or lack thereof, and later on, secondary sex characteristics (body shape, voice pitch, breasts, facial hair, etc.) should. Yet, we're told otherwise because...

...gender is irrelevant, yet, at the same time, more relevant than ever before, in the 21st century!

And so it is that gender identity has blossomed into an inescapable frontline issue. You can't turn on your TV, radio, Internet, or open a magazine or newspaper without being confronted with massively-funded gender politics, or more accurately, gender propaganda that cloaks itself in virtue, tolerance, social-justice and anti-bullying campaigns. This so-called fight for gender justice calls for new legislation, educational reform, and a total attitude readjustment for the masses that obliterates fundamental biological differences and once again, tries to redefine nature and turn creation on its head.

'Theybies': Letting Children Decide Their Gender

Is your baby a boy or a girl? Maybe, it’s a “theyby,” or maybe it's a dog or a cat or a labrat. Yes, there is a movement that wants to impose unisêx existence on children keeping their sêx a secret from everyone and referring to individuals in the plural. If this isn't an example of how a post-truth culture of personal conviction evolving into an Alice in Wonderland world, I don't know what is. "Theybies" is the result of the soft-headed, tender-minded ideology and post-modern imaginary thinking world of the coming global civilization as observational and scientifically proven reality is replaced with globally-dictated fantasies that are projected into the immense void that was created when Truth was obliterated. In this case, children become labrats when the will of God is replaced with the will of those who think they are gods or wannabe gods.

Please don't misunderstand.  Like so many people, I was a prime target for bullies throughout my childhood. I was bullied for being too tall, for wearing glasses, for being too shy, for having curly hair, for squinting in the sun, etc., etc. It has left me with my own scars to bear, with a nebulous sense that something was/is wrong with me, with an internalized sense of otherness, and with a sense of disempowerment, because the damage continues even after the bullying has stopped. After a while, children constantly intimidated, harassed and bullied for who they are perceived to be can't help but start to believe their bullies. On the other hand, being bullied in childhood has given me great compassion, sympathy, and empathy for victims of bullies, for underdogs, and the marginalized. In other words, I am in no way condoning bullying behavior, and/or overlooking the plight of those who can't conform to gender stereotypes nor those who are attracted to their own gender. But feelings and beliefs do not determine reality. If that were so I guess I'm 5'8" instead of 6'6". I guess I'm 34-years old instead of 56-years old. I guess I'm black instead of white.  I guess I'm a giraffe instead of a human being....

Although this is changing, most people know  that children  who don't conform to gender roles/norms are at highest risk of abuse by not only their peers but by adults--teachers, parents, coaches, bus drivers,, etc.-- as well. These children are punished every day for failing to fit the ideals of the traditional gender binary. To simply say this is wrong--punishing children for failure to conform to biological sex-- is woefully understated. However, the answer is not to eliminate gender as if that is even possible. The answer is not to encourage children to change their gender at will or replace the gender binary with an array of choices that boggles even the most mature mind. The answer is not to educate children about various forms of sexuality before they even understand sexuality itself. The answer is not to punish those who identify as male or female, and/or punish those who "maintain that there are men and there are women and that the difference between them is fundamental." Well, you get the picture.

My point is that the bullying issue--an issue that's been around since the dawn of man--should not be fodder for cultural and political agendas, because, you see, national "anti-bullying" campaigns and educational reform and adding more laws to the books  have very little to do with stopping bad behavior or with protecting the traditional targets of bullies and everything to do with creating an Orwellian postmodern society that denies objective and immutable reality; it has everything to do with socially engineering dysfunction because in doing so, they create an indoctrinated, traumatized population  that will accept the illusion they call "reality," where hate is love, war is peace, white is black (see Rachel Dolezal’s claim to identify as a black woman when she is clearly not) and people are genderless, like robots.

Under the guise of "social justice" and "anti-bullying", the political elite use the machinery of state education, the mainstream media, and their power to craft legislation to compel children and adults alike into adopting "politically correct" attitudes that supplant objective reality with the supremacy of the subjective desire of elite globalists who push extreme egalitarianism to the point that anyone who states evidence of difference is considered a bigot and/or prejudiced. Today, even to question the notion of gender fluidity is considered a hate crime in a growing number of  circles, despite the fact that it leaves children confused or distressed as the political elite endeavor to "undo" normative concepts of fixed, binary gender identities within our culture.

Gender politics continues to escalate despite the fact that incidents of bullying and intimidation have dropped markedly in recent years, according to surveys by the Department of Justice, yet the transgender or gender neutralizing ideological propaganda continues.  People who don't feel comfortable identifying with their biology are real human beings and should be taken seriously, they should not be marginalized, however transforming the problems of an infinitesimally small fraction of the population into an ideology, a movement that in reality is cover for a much more sinister agenda is not the solution.
And while the task force gives the impression that LGBT students are a primary focus of bullying, evidence suggests that the vast majority of bullying is directed at other students. The DOJ surveys indicate that the percentage of 12- to 18-year-old students who reported being targets of hate-related words based on their sexual orientation fell from 1.0 percent in 2007 to 0.6 percent in 2009.
You see, this is why modern day "scientists"  claim "philosophy is dead" because by eliminating philosophical and critical thinking,  it allows them to recreate reality on their own terms  and push it on a highly brainwashable population who has been taught what to think, not how to think.
Philosophy is dead is the declaration of scientific materialists because it leaves the individual epistemologically stymied because you’re only left with what is quantifiable and empirically demonstrable. Because philosophy is dependent on terminological exactitude and definitional clarity, by eliminating philosophy it allows them to play fast and loose with the terms they invoke such as evolution. They invoke these terms with a great deal of interpretive elasticity. Without terminological exactitude, they invoke this esoteric vernacular that can mean whatever happens to be advantageous to them, the masters of the Anglosphere or Anglo-American empire whose operating system or doctrine is Darwinism, materialism."-- Phillip/Paul Collins
 Despite the fact that bullying is decreasing, the most powerful sectors of our society are bullying us into accepting a prescribed orthodoxy--by using the buzzwords of identity politics to trump both clear thinking and civic disagreement--in this case, muddling gender, claiming it is mutable, irrelevant, and strictly a social construct. We are being bullied into accepting state-approved views of sexuality with sweeping new statewide antibullying regimes that bully because using classic indoctrination techniques to pressure children into adopting the curriculum designers' attitudes and beliefs is bullying. Any differentiation in value between behavior or attitudes from this orthodoxy is considered bigoted and strictly prohibited. Moreover, by pushing extreme gender ideological agendas on the masses, they're not only failing to adequately address the real issue of LGBTQ rights in employment, housing, healthcare, government services, and the military, they're playing divide and conquer games.

The bottom line is that gender identity issues that promote philosophical postulates "Cogito, ergo sum" are best left to, well, philosophy, not science because there is more than enough scientific evidence that proves biological sex is a scientific reality.
...the central issue is not to determine whether one says yes or no to sex…but to account for the fact that it is spoken about, to discover who does the speaking, the positions and viewpoints from which they speak, the institutions which prompt people to speak about it... had to speak of it [sexuality] as of a thing to be not simply condemned or tolerated but managed, inserted into systems of utility, regulated for the "greater good" of society. Sex was not something one simply judged; it was a thing one administered."

“We must not think that by saying yes to sex, one says no to power; on the contrary, one tracks along the course laid out by the general deployment of sexuality”-- Michel Focault   (emphasis mine)
I know I have not fully answered, why, as Michel Foucault asserts, campaigns are whipped up by the ruling class and its middle-class allies to impose family structures and values, [or lack thereof,] upon the masses," as that would require, at the very least, a book that fully explores all of the reasons, but to put it very simply: destruction of God + destruction of family + destruction of objective reality including a total rewrite of the biosphere (HG Well wrote of the complete control of all biological forms of life) = personal and state power-motive to arbitrarily define and or create "reality" without any regard for Truth.


It’s dangerous and wrong to tell all children they’re ‘gender fluid’

Legalised lying and gender engineering. This is conservative?

Cultural homogenization

The real agenda behind antibullying campaign

Why is the political class is obsessed by gender issues?

The Philosophical Contradictions of the Transgender Worldview

When Harry Became Sally

New Israeli Research Reveals that Men Are Men and Women Are Women
The researchers also found that biological sex also plays a role in preventing specific illnesses. For example, some genes expressed only in the left ventricle of the heart in women work to protect their hearts from disease until the women reach menopause. Another gene, in the liver, processes drugs differently according to the gender.

6,500 genes biased toward one sex or the other
6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue, adding to the already major biological differences between men and women.’

'Language Is So Important': Non-Binary/Trans Listener Weighs In On 'Theyby' Discussion

Friday, July 06, 2018

Godless Society Makes Us Fodder for Parasites

"Do you think I am trying to weave a spell? Perhaps I am; but remember your fairy tales. Spells are used for breaking enchantments as well as for inducing them. And you and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness which has been laid upon us for nearly a hundred years. Almost our whole education has been directed to silencing this shy, persistent, inner voice; almost all our modem philosophies have been devised to convince us that the good of man is to be found on this earth." - C. S. Lewis, "The Weight of Glory"
As we approach the end of the second decade of the new millennium, under the banner of progress, evolution, humanism, etc., the ongoing and multidimensional systematic war on mankind and his Creator is accelerating.  But we've become so deeply entrenched in the efficiency/profit-before-people material-carnal world--which has reversed spiritual and moral structures making spiritual and/or theological discernment almost impossible--that we've become blinded as a people, despite all the evidence of this continuous war on our pocketbooks, on our quality of our lives, on our psyches, and most importantly, on our souls.

Be honest with yourself for one moment and take an unflinching look at social reality. You will see overwhelming evidence of "spiritual wickedness in high places."

Just consider all of the declared wars on everything from drugs to cancer to terror to poverty, etc. Despite the trillions of dollars spent on battling diseases and in search of cures, disease rates--cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, etc.-- continue to skyrocket. Despite the trillions of dollars invested in health and medical care, our population may live longer but is sicker than ever. Despite the trillions of dollars poured into the "war on drugs", drug abuse rates are exploding, while drug cartels proliferate. Despite the trillions of dollars channeled into the "war on terror" and invested in greater technocratic surveillance, defense, security, and surveillance to keep us safe, fear levels are at a record high as there seems to be a proliferation of terror plots and terror cells, not to mention the all-powerful "lone gunman" around every corner, who is able to take down vast multitudes in mere seconds no matter how great the obstacles in his way.

If that doesn't convince you, consider the exploding cost of higher education and outrageous student debt as permanent full-time positions are eliminated in favor of temporary part-time work that can't possibly support a family, let alone pay off these permanent student loans. $80,000 to work at Starbucks pouring coffee is an outrage!  Just consider the ever-growing wealth and power of the ruling class as the middle class shrinks into oblivion.

In the October 2000 issue of The American Journal for Public Health Stephen J. Kunitz, MD, PhD, published an article entitled Public Health Then and Now: Globalization States, and the Health of Indigenous Peoples which, in a nutshell, stated that wherever the globalist managerial model is imposed, there is a marked deterioration both in public health, and in the environment itself.

These are just a few examples that demonstrate the results of the stage-managed, mob-manipulated, black-is-white war on us by a shadowy clique of power brokers.

Pathology of culture sprinting to its own demise.  

It's so easy to get caught up in our everyday routines, problems, issues, which, oddly enough, seem to accelerate at the same rate as the technology that is supposed to not only simplify life, but improve health and quality of life. This may sound extreme to the many who have yet to open their eyes to the depth of depravity that surrounds us, however, it is this exponential growth in technology that has enabled an elaborately choreographed escape from reality from which there may be no return.   While it's easy to forget or ignore the depth of the depravity that surrounds us, warping and desensitizing our perspective and distracting us from eternal matters.

Driven by our desires and passions, where no price is too high to pay for happiness and satisfaction, we are blinded to our true spiritual condition. Reality has been replaced with spectacle and cult-of-personality issues of the most trivial banalities.  We have been convinced to please ourselves and the world system instead of living to please God. Has there ever been a culture in recorded history that is as self-absorbed and adept at wasting time as ours? But how did we get to this point?

Parasitic and Predatory Class

Getting through life as a parasite is all about making the most out of the living conditions that you've been dealt, however, what's even better is when the parasite/predator can steer, cultivate and even create a cozy oasis for their parasitic and predaceous lifestyle, and cozy it is for an infinitesimally small part of our population: the parasitic and predaceous power elite.

Given the exponential growth in technology under their control over the last few decades, not to mention their increasing power, wealth, and resources, and ever-growing success in eliminating God, creating these optimal conditions are easier than ever before. And so it is more important than ever to learn more about the these highly adaptive, cunning, diligent parasites and symbionts with an exterior of surprising normality, that live on/in us and the effects that they have on their largely unaware and even fawning and celebrity-obsessed host society. Yes, we've come to worship our parasites.

Tax-Exempt Foundations as a Mechanism for Cultural Revolution

First, let's take a look at a very public modern day example of one of these parasites and their most effective tool, the foundation, which functions as a sort of shadow government: The Rockefellers

In 1708, Johann Peter Rockefeller emigrated from Rhineland Germany to New Jersey.  One of his descendants, William Avery Rockefeller, born in 1810 in Granger New York, known as Doc, was a traveling salesman and horse thief who sold crude oil door to door as a cure for snake bites, impotence and warts. At the age of 40, when he was already married with six children, Wiliam waa accused of raping a 15-year old girl and fled to Cleveland Ohio to avoid prosecution. At the age of 45, he abandoned his wife and six children and married a 20-year old without divorcing his wife. One of those six children, master-strategist and monopolizer John D. Rockefeller, became the robber-baron billionaire of Standard Oil. However, the Rockefellers did not stop with oil.
I would rather earn one percent off one-hundred people's efforts than one-hundred percent off my own efforts." -- John D. Rockefeller
The Rockefeller initial foray into the field of eugenics was The Eugenics Record Office in Cold Springs Habor, NY, established in 1910, but it was, three years later, the incorporation of the Rockefeller Foundation that bought its pervasive global influence in so many areas of life it's impossible to list them all.  For instance, they created the Institutional Health Commission and American Hygeine Association to direct the scientific study of biological and social factors that influence human sexual conduct.   It's amazing how easily people have been duped into unwittingly thinking political, philanthropic organizations and political movements were created to help humanity.
Rene Wormser, Reese’s legal assistant throughout the [Reece Committees } hearings documented in a book published in 1957 [Foundations: Their Power and Influence] not only the dangers posed by foundations to the institutions of the republic but also the influence of those foundations and their political allies bringing to bear on the nations cultural institutions. The great foundations--Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie--were for the most part founded as a result of the New Deal as an attempt to prevent the flow of family money into the coffers of federal government under the tax policies instituted by Roosevelt. Created from the wealth of the nation’s major capitalists the foundation soon applied the techniques of the cartel and the trust to the flow of information and the reconfiguration of culture.  The foundations would put up money which would serve as venture capital in the politics of change. Foundations like those run by Rockefeller brothers would fund projects like Kinsey sex surveys which would've otherwise been impossible to support given the constraints of democratically elected government or the simple satisfying of market forces. Foundations would fund research which they found congenial and almost invariable involve instigating social change away from a position of congruity with the moral law. They involve more often than not, as the Kinsey studies did, the substitution of “scientific” data for moral principles and then when the project received a modicum of public acceptance foundations would turn the funding of the projects over to the government. This was by and large the mechanism of cultural revolution in this country. The foundations would fund the undermining of some law, generally having to do with sex, the family, morals or religion. The courts would remove any legal roadblocks and the press would proselytize whatever the social change entailed. Given widespread dissemination to the “scientific” surveys which foundations funded and eventually the government would set up programs based on  what the foundations proposed funded by government money. -- Dr. E. Michael Jones, "John Cardinal Krol and the Cultural Revolution."

Killing God is Essential

Since the time of the Enlightenment, there has been an attempt to erase man’s natural orientation toward the eternal, toward God, and unfortunately, it’s been quite successful.  That is, thanks to the wealthy and powerful ruling elite throughout the ages, who have covertly orchestrated a system that corrupts our environment, corrupts our thinking and emotions and finally, steal our souls. Believe it or not, it is the so-called "philanthropic" foundation that is one of their greatest tools. These foundations, cloaked in altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, not only shelter the wealth of the powerful, they function to distort reality and to steer and create a culture that will fulfill their agenda to manipulate and control the fate of mankind. This parasitic ruling class-- culture creators--with the help of their "righteous" foundations using their network of tendrils that can squeeze through the nooks and crannies of the host's body (society at large) have worked very hard to steward the narcissism and moral decline of the modern world that is so necessary to the kind of vampiric spirituality--the antithesis of Christianity--that this class embraces.

Hence, today, it is no coincidence that the vampire, a blasphemous mockery of Jesus Christ, has been transformed into a hero through books, movies, and television. Both Christ and Dracula deal with blood and eternal life, however, whereas Christ shed his blood so that his followers could have eternal life, Dracula shed his follower's blood so that he could have eternal life. Vampirism is a reworking of Christianity according to the canons of social Darwinism which the ruling class believes in 100%. In a reversal of Christian order that the vampire creates, man achieves immortality through immorality, and by affecting others through lust. Christianity exalts love. Vampirism, Darwin's survival of the fittest pushed to its extreme, exalts the hunger of desire.

Social Justice Without God

Now that God has become marginalized, an afterthought, incorporated into nature, undefined, etc., our new "gods" need a positive face and that face is "social justice". Every issue, every agenda of these new gods is cloaked in social justice, because every agenda no matter how dehumanizing, no matter how unjust can be made to appear humanitarian, to appear like social justice, especially given the rapid-fire technological development in our Orwellian era, where war is peace, love is hate, and so on. For instance, when wars on: terror, poverty, cancer, drugs, you name it only results in more terror, poverty, cancer, drugs, you name it, they continue on ad infinitum. In other words, nothing ever gets resolved in these wars, except more of whatever they're trying to eliminate. Yet, we as a people continue to support these wars not only with our tax money but oftentimes, with either our willful ignorance or all-out defense of these so-called wars that exacerbate the problem.

Exploited class made involuntary fodder for parasites.

Like fungi that infect and zombify insects, and parasitic nematodes that turn an insect's innards into a soupy baby food for the next generation of killer worms, the parasitic class and their allies have not only drained our resources, they have, with their constant propaganda, indoctrinating institutions, smart technology, and enormous arsenal of psychological, physical, and spiritual toxins--chemicals, GMOs, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, industrial pollution, electrosmog, etc. -- at their disposal, infected, zombified us, casting their spells from which there might be no return because we forget our reason for being.

There's a good reason for being so imposing (ruling class) upon their host (us), as the more space they take up, the more "eggs" they can produce.  Just consider tech and social media companies who hire attention engineers who borrow principles from Las Vegas Casino gambling to make their products as addictive as possible.

The corrupting results of misplaced human ambition that ignores one’s true aptitudes who have misjudged their abilities Commerce, however necessary, however lucrative, as it deprives the manners, corrupts the language...

Remember, the powers that have ruled the worldly system/rule the worldly system know the bible inside and out, especially Adam and Eve in the Garden and Jesus in the Wilderness. They learned from the tactics of the Evil One. They learned the pattern of temptation and the mechanism of sin. They learned from the serpent who played word games with Eve while Adam stood by and watched, who warped the Word of God by misquoting the command not to eat the forbidden fruit, and who outright lied about the command and intention of God in that command--health-and-wealth prosperity gospel, anyone? They learned how to purposefully mishandle the Word of God, and how to woo us by sweet-sounding words that camouflage their true intent. They learned how to peddle false promises and entice through sin's slick suggestions. And most importantly, those who rule us understand the fallen nature of man, how sin so easily entangles us...they understand the flesh and spirit battle that rage in our bodies.  

So how does one stay clean even though they are living in the same invested environment? It's not easy, seemingly impossible, but in my humble opinion, the answer to that is Jesus Christ, who promised us eternal salvation if we would just choose Him.
Consequently a necessary step for most of us in the work of renouncing This World is to become aware of it as an engineered control system. Thus the act of investigating the structure and exposing the agendas of the New World Order, for those dedicated to the spiritual path and also called to this work, can be of direct service to the contemplative life. . . . If we can witness the darkness of This World with apatheia, with detachment and equanimity, then we will have accomplished the greater part of the work of ‘shadow-integration’; we will be led, God willing, to the point of supreme nausea where we can vomit the World, along with the Ego, its master and slave, out of our souls forever.” --Charles Upton, Vectors of the Counter-Initiation: The Course and Destiny of Inverted Spirituality, p. 330


Ten Things I Wish Jesus Never Said

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Ubiquitous Insidious Tentacles of Abortion

Under the euphemistic banner of "reproductive rights" "reproductive health" and/or "pro-choice", etc, very little is said about the physical, psychological, and spiritual consequences  of the giant octopus that is abortion despite the fact that it has extended its insidious tentacles into each and every one of our lives, either directly or indirectly. Because even if you have not experienced an abortion, it's almost certain you have a relationship --daughter, granddaughter, girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, niece, friend, co-worker, etc.--with someone who has, and just like the ripples that spread from a single pebble cast into a pond, small waves ripple outwardly and incrementally after each and every abortion, affecting every potential relation to that innocent life who never had a chance.

Of course, the negative impact of abortion on the mother's physical, psychological and spiritual health far outweighs the impact on everyone else. The multiple physical and emotional complications of the procedure can be life-changing insofar as the woman may experience:
  • damage to the cervix,  
  • scarring of the uterine lining,  
  • perforation of the uterus,  
  • damage to other organs
  • inability to conceive in the future,  
  • higher rates of miscarriage and premature birth  in subsequent pregnancies,
and in studies across the United States and in other countries, it has been found that women who have had abortions have 

  • increased their risk of getting breast and/or cervical cancer by over 50 percent.  
 Regarding cancer, the same is not true for pregancies terminated naturally--miscarriage--because unlike induced abortion, the mother's hormone levels never reach that of a normally developing pregnancy.

Moreover, it's been found that abortion before the birth of a first child is, in particular, highly carcinogenic, because as most of us know, early first full term pregnancy lowers a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer, so if that pregnancy is terminated unnaturally, that protection not only disappears, the abortion is potentially weaponized to turn against the mother in the future. In other words, women who abort their first pregnancy not only don’t get the protective effects of a first full-term pregnancy and don’t receive the protective effects of breast feeding, they've increased their chances of getting cancer, experiencing infertility, etc. over and above that of never having gotten pregnant in the first place.

Keep in mind that less than 1% of all abortions (60 million since 1973) occur because of rape, incest, birth defects or to save the life of the mother, so the use of this argument is very obviously a smoke screen. Moreover, abortion to save the mother’s life was legal before convenience abortion was legalized and would continue to be if abortion were made illegal again.

Abortion Cancer Link

The first study to find the link between abortion and cancer came out in 1957--over 60-years ago--yet the billion dollar cancer foundations/organizations, the mainstream media, the medical industrial complex, Planned Parenthood, etc. not only stay silent and refuse to warn the public, they actively engage in deceiving the public.

 In fact, the abortion breast cancer link in some of these statistically robust studies confirm abortion is stronger than any other risk factor for breast cancer such as advanced age, having a family history of breast cancer, being childless, etc..
Gill pointed out that the Surgeon General decided to require warning labels on packs of cigarettes highlighting the link between smoking and birth defects when there were only seven studies that showed such a link.

Today, there are more than seventy-eight studies showing a link between abortion and breast cancer and yet most women remain unaware that there is any connection.
In 1989, one study (Holly L. Howe et al., “Early Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk among Women under Age 40,” International Journal of Epidemiology 18, no. 2 (1989): 300-304) relied on New York state medical records reported that abortion increased a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer by 90%.

Then, in 1996, Dr. Joel Brind (J. Brind et al., “Induced abortion as an independent risk factor for breast cancer: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis,” Journal of Epidemiology  Community Health 50 (1996): 481-496) combined the statistics from 23 different worldwide studies and found a 30% increase of breast cancer risk among women who chose abortion after already giving birth and a 50% increase of breast cancer risk among women who chose abortion before giving birth.

Another study (A.E. Laing et al., “Breast cancer risk factors in African-American women: the Howard University Tumor Registry experience,” Journal of the National Medical Association 85, no. 12 (1993): 931-939) done on African-American women by researchers at Howard University showed that African-American women over 50 were almost five times more likely to get breast cancer if they had abortions compared with women who had not.
Fifty-eight out of 74 worldwide studies dating back to 1957 have shown that abortion increases a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. Nineteen of the 24 studies done on women from the United States show an increased risk of breast cancer associated with abortion.
In 2014 the prestigious Medical Journal Cancer, Causes, Control published a huge systematic review and meta-analysis of 36 studies across China. They found that women who have at least one abortion, have a substantial 44% increased risk for getting breast cancer; compared to women who did not have an abortion.
while the media is comfortable telling women not to take hormone replacement therapy because of the increased risk of breast cancer, it refuses to extend the same logic to abortion and its effects on estrogen levels in the body. If both result in increased estrogen levels without a subsequent maturation of breasts’ cells, then logically both can result in increased breast cancer risk."

The Power of Words to Deceive Humanity is Unmistakable.

As George Orwell said, If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought, and as he predicted, language is growing ever more deceitful every day.
Given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name, without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self-deception. In this regard, the reproach of the Prophet is extremely straightforward: **“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness” **(Is 5:20). -Evangelium Vitae “The Gospel of Life”, n. 58
Since the landmark decision issued in 1973--Roe v. Wade, the abortion industry has profited immensely from the approximate 1.4 million lives it takes every single year, of which more than half of those "choosing" abortion are younger than 25 years old. (52% to be exact). It accomplishes this by the subversive use of language, attempting to minimize the reality of abortion, using convenient doublespeak and replacing realistic terminology with euphemisms to assure and assuage the gullible public and to cloak its menacing presence in "liberty," "freedom" and "choice."

For instance, when a woman is pregnant and she wants the baby, she will say "I'm having a baby" no matter where she is in her pregnancy. However, when she doesn't want the baby, they call what they want to destroy “tissue.”

Abortion and Systematic Eugenics

Abortion is one of the most identified liberal causes of modern politics, right up there with equal rights for women, African Americans and other minorities. Yet, the founders of the abortion movement were racists who despised the poor, and who advocated abortion as a means of eliminating the poor and undesired races.

We most associate eugenics with the Nazis, but the term "eugenics" was coined in the mid 1800’s by Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin, and became a very popular movement to create a society in which those who were considered “superior” would reproduce, while those who were deemed “inferior” would be strongly and sometimes forcibly encouraged not to reproduce. Margaret Sanger, founder of American Birth Control League, which later changed its name to Planned Parenthood, and member of the American Eugenics Society, was a strong suppoter of the eugenics movement. She even met with members of the Klan, and supported the use of sterilization to rid the planet of the “unfit.”

In Margaret Sanger’s “Birth Control and Racial Betterment,” the Planned Parenthood founder links the goals of eugenics with her own goals of promoting birth control:
We who advocate Birth Control, on the other hand, lay all our emphasis upon stopping not only the reproduction of the unfit but upon stopping all reproduction when there is not economic means of providing proper care for those who are born in health. …While I personally believe in the sterilization of the feeble-minded, the insane and syphilitic, I have not been able to discover that these measures are more than superficial deterrents when applied to the constantly growing stream of the unfit… Eugenics without Birth Control seems to us a house builded upon the sands. It is at the mercy of the rising stream of the unfit….
In 1932, Sanger called for the poor and those she considered to be “morons and immoral” to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called better “moral conduct.”

In Sanger's book "Pivot of Civilization", she referred to the urban poor, and their increasing numbers, as "an ever widening margin of biological waste." (p.134.), and one of her mottos was "More [children] from the fit, less from the unfit." (p.104 & 179.) Margaret Sanger wasn't the only founder of the abortion movement with racist and eugenicist ideals. Co-founders and board member Lothrup Stoddard wrote the book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, which was reviewed favorably in Birth Control Review, and co-founder and board member, C. C. Little, was president of the Third Race Betterment Conference, and he advocated preserving the purity of "Yankee stock" through limiting the births of non-Whites.

It's significant that Planned Parenthood continues to support Sanger with no qualifiers.
But has Planned Parenthood changed? It is significant to note that Planned Parenthood has never distanced itself from the vision and ideology of its founder. Successive presidents of the organization have praised her work, including Faye Wattleton, who said, "As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our courageous leader, we should be very proud of what we are and what our mission is. It is a very grand mission; abortion is only the tip of the iceberg." (Faye Wattleton, president Planned Parenthood Federation of America, speech, February 5, 1979.)

One can only wonder how abortion rights came to be adopted by liberals in the Democratic Party, or any other party. It is difficult to image how it came to be identified with other liberal causes. Through a slick media campaign and effective sloganeering, Planned Parenthood painted abortion as a compassionate and caring alternative to childbirth. Their motivation however may be altogether different. It seems that abortion still today, rather than being seen as a way of helping the poor and minorities, is considered the easiest solution for our economic problems. Don't help the poor, just eliminate them.
Moreover, on par with the eugenics movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, advances in biotechnology have made the possibility of "desinger babies" almost certain. The technology to choose socially advantageous  characteristics of your child using a process called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis already exists. As it is, pre-screening gives parents the choice to eliminate babies who fail to meet their standards or desires.  As it is, with the pressure to produce "superior" or "trophy" offspring, "helicopter" and "snow plow" parents try to transform their children into "achievement machines." In this kind of consumerist environment where survival of the fittest is fully embraced "mistakes" or "unfits" are and will continue to be aborted as the dehumanizing of socitiey continues to escalate. Iceland has nearly eliminated children with Down syndrome through systematic abortion, and in the U.S., it is estimated that the vast majority of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted.
James Hughes, a bioethicist and director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, says that the right to choose a child’s traits, cosmetic or not, should be part of a parent’s basic reproductive freedoms. Reproductive freedoms shouldn’t apply just to contraception and abortion rights, Hughes tells Big Think. “They also include the freedom to have children, and the kind of children we prefer.”
According to the history books, the Nazis lost the war, yet, eugenics is not only alive and well, it's accelerating beyond the Nazi's wildest dreams, and abortion is one of its most efficacious tools, or dare I say, weapons.

Abortion and Population Control

In what some tout as an overpopulated world, some advocate the right to an abortion in the cases of overpopulation, poverty, and financial burden, so isn't abortion justified for population control and to ease the financial and emotional burden a child may put on a family? On society?

First of all, overpopulation is a Myth It’s been calculated that the entire world population of 7 billion people could be placed in one gigantic city within the borders of the state of Texas. Our problem is not too many people and not enough resources, very simply put, it's a problem of waste, greed, government inefficiency, and distribution of resources.

Secondly, the European and U.S. birthrate are below replacement levels. Consider that zero population growth requires women must bear 2.1 children. Well, since 1972, there have only been two years where the fertility rate has reached at least 2.1 children. In fact, it's gotten so bad that several countries around the world, including Germany, Singapore, Japan, and Russia, even offer prospective parents incentives for having a baby.
Contrary to what you might hear, the most pressing problem in country after country today is not overpopulation, but underpopulation. In a time of fiscal austerity, the last thing that we need to be doing is spending more tax dollars to drive down the birth rate, reducing the amount of human capital available, and making us all poorer in the long run--Steven W. Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute (PRI)
If nothing else, legalized abortion has resulted in over 60 million fewer taxpayers in America to support the elderly.

Many abortion laws lay down a stage of pregnancy after which abortion is unlawful, yet as you can see from the picture above, how early in its life the baby begins to acquire human characteristics. At the moment of conception, the embryo receives its own unique genetic code, distinct from that of its mother or father, from the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg, a new individual of the human species is formed and the innate sacredness of human life is evident, a life that can receive and react to personal care from others, a minimal mark of a human being. The evidence of that uniqueness supports the belief that ensoulment takes place at conception, and even if you are unsure that this is true, isn't it always better to err on the side of life? In other words, as long as the mother's life is not in danger, isn't it always better to err on the side of life?
All the DNA is there from conception and the heart begins to beat four weeks after conception!
Why does the mainstream media not only completely ignore the risks of abortion, but promote flawed studies to counteract the evidence of the abortion cancer link?
Why do the billion dollar Cancer organizations and societies supposedly devoted to stopping cancer not only  remain silent, but actively deny the abortion cancer link?
Why are we fed euphemistic language to encourage support of abortion?
Why do the politically-funded national medical organizations refuse to link abortion with cancer, and refuse to acknowledge the negative reprecussions of abortion, instead advocating abortion as "reproductive health"?
Why does the establishment and culture promote abortion and associate it so strongly with civil rights, with women's rights, with freedom and liberty?
Why is it that anyone who is pro-life, or anti-abortion is immediately designated misoginistic? Anti-women's rights?
Why do the abortion elites proliferate abortion clinics in low-income and minority neighborhoods?  Why are abortion patients disproportinately poor? Why do we celebrate the eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and why do we obscure her outspoken support for eugenics?
Why is Margaret Sanger a hero?
Why do we empower women to avoid having babies?
Why do we embrace the disregarding of human life?

The answers to these questions and many more require one to open his or her eyes and see the "profit before people" "efficiency-before-people" "power before people" wealth plundering dehumanizing establishment for what it is.  Because the more abortion is embedded into the laws and practices of society, the more insensitive and dehumanized we become because we have sanctioned the right to dispose of the life of the weakest and most defenseless members.
If we say that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other?" -- Mother Teresa
The Business of Abortion "Blood Money"


Tax Forms Show Buffett, Wealthy Elite Fund Planned Parenthood/World Abortion Empire with hundreds of millions of dollars

Abortion Facts

The State of Abortin in the United States January 2018

National Right to Life
Baby Killing Tourism and the Death of a Culture

The Ripple Effect of Abortion

Studies that Confirm the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

Informed Concent or Institutionalized Eugenics? How the Medical Profession Encourages Abortion or Fetuses with Down Syndrome.

Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger Spoke to the Ku Klux Klan and Supported Eugenics. So Why Does the Organization Still Honor Her?Margaret Sanger: More Eugenic Than Fellow Eugenicists

Cruelly Crushed by Abortion

Breast Cancer and the Politics of Abortion in the United States

Abortion - A Liberal Cause?

Researchers Uncover Hidden Risk Factor For Breast Cancer

The Breast Cancer Epidemic: Modeling and Forecasts Based on Abortion and Other Risk Factors

The Overpopulation Myth and the New MoralityThe Overpopulation Myth

Do laws work to stop abortion?Canada Silent No More

Abortion: Issues and Controversies

Live Action


Former Satanic ‘high wizard’: We must fight abortion with spiritual weapons

Former Satanist: ‘I performed satanic rituals inside abortion clinics’

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Digitally Distracted? Re-Synchronize Your Brain Hemispheres!

Do you find yourself doing stupid things? Forgetting things? Do you experience "phantom" phone vibrations, imagining your phone is calling you when it hasn't actually buzzed? Are you a "constant-checker": do you check your emails and social media accounts frequently, if not constantly?  Do you go into panic mode when you can't find your smartphone?  Do you find it difficult to look up from your phone screen, computer screen, iPad, etc.? Is your attention span/concentration level diminished? Do you feel generally fearful without knowing why?  In other words, are you digitally distracted, digitally dumbed-down and/or digitally distressed?  Are you digitally addicted?

If you can relate to any of the aforementioned questions, you are not alone.   An ever-increasing amount of research suggests that constant access to information is changing our brains in more ways than one, and not for the best. As our devices get smarter, our brains get lazier, or to be blunt, dumber, which I realize is over-simplifying, but some things are best if researched for oneself.  Once again, risking oversimplification, part of the problem is alignment; not only realigning technology with humanity’s best interests, but realigning or even more accurately,  resynchronizing our brain hemispheres.

Adrian Ward, a researcher at the University of Austin, has found that in many ways the internet is a lot like junk food. Just as snacks play on a deep biological need for sugar and fat, which tricks us into overeating these unhealthy foods, the internet messes with our cognitive functions to increase our dependence on it. Just being around a smartphone drives many to distraction, while heavy Googling has us increasingly outsourcing the task of remembering things to the cloud. That in turn means that we have to Google more and more things that we used to just have to commit to memory. Similarly, we may be taking more photos of things than ever, but we remember them less.

So, if you are a smart/cell/mobile phone user or even if you are not, because you are absorbing radiation from other people's wireless devices and the WIFI environments from which there is no escape, the following video will help because electrosmog is not only smogging up our brains it's switching our brains causing all of the symptoms previously mentioned. Even more importantly, a prolonged state of fear will also result in the switching of the brain which is the basis for mind control. This is one of the reasons why this technology is being forced upon us whether we like it or not. Don't get me wrong, most people love it! But for those of us who don't--a growing number-- because we see what it's doing, there is very little choice in the matter.

In other words, the technology we’re tethered to, not to mention, the WIFI environments we're immersed in, switch the brain.  Believe it or not, there is a little something you can do about it aside from crawling under a rock and wrapping yourself in tin-foil.  It's called  de-switiching, as it re-synchronizes the brain hemispheres.  Try it! You've got nothing to lose and perhaps, something to gain.


Here's What Your Smartphone Is Really Doing to Your Brain

Stress in America™ 2017: Technology and Social Media

Your Brain on Apps

This is what your smartphone is doing to your brain — and it isn't good

Your smartphone is hijacking your brain. Here's how to stop it.

This beautifully designed 'dumb phone' can only make calls and send texts — and it might be the key to curing our addiction to apps

Humane Tech
Technology is hijacking our minds and society.

Our world-class team of deeply concerned former tech insiders and CEOs intimately understands the culture, business incentives, design techniques, and organizational structures driving how technology hijacks our minds.

Since 2013, we’ve raised awareness of the problem within tech companies and for millions of people through broad media attention, convened top industry executives, and advised political leaders. Building on this start, we are advancing thoughtful solutions to change the system."

Monday, April 16, 2018

Deadly Parasitic Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives

The opening of a canal in 1848 led to the birth of modern financial derivatives, and the early demise of some of the men who traded them according to Michael Durbin, author of the article, Death by Deriviatives, a damned interesting read.

Ever since 1848, when speculators--or “plungers” as they were then known--at the Chicago Board of Trade, where traders negotiated contracts for the future sale of wheat and other such goods, derivative traders have been very busy creating an intricate web of deceit. Derivative trades have grown exponentially. The scale of today’s unregulated,  off-balance sheet derivatives market, now measured in quadrillions of dollars, is too vast to comprehend as it defies anything on a human scale. It is larger than the entire global economy! How can that be? Derivative traders, essentially gamblers, can bet as much as they want. They can bet money they don’t have.

It's not only almost impossible to wrap our heads around such meaningless numbers; it is impossible to understand the sophisticated software that makes the derivative market the boundless and incomprehensible behemoth, or  mountain of "financial weapons of mass destruction" that it is.
That's because high frequency trading software executes thousands of bets per second on the future prices of everything and/or anything you can possibly think of.  Thousands of bets per second? The human mind cannot do thousands of anything per second. Not to mention, the overly complicated financial instruments--investments in investments, bets about bets--that are so complex that the "quants," the alchemists of Wall Street, themselves, the ones who designed them in the first place, can't explain or even begin to unravel.

Make no mistake, buying derivatives is not investing in anything. Not only do derivatives create nothing, they only serve to enrich-parasites- NON-producers at the expense of the people who do create real goods and services. So thank you, Alan Greenspan, for obeying your puppet-masters and legitimizing and actively promoting a huge black hole that, as far as I'm concerned, ONLY exists-black holes, that is- as an evil construct to transfer the real wealth of the people to our ruling elite.

Please, keep in mind the derivatives bubble was at the heart of the financial crash in the 2008 and the only thing that's changed since 2008 is that this huge bubble had grown exponentially.  97% of derivatives are held by the five largest, too big to fail commercial banks: JPMorgan, Bank America, Citibank, Wachovia, and HSBC. In other words, the powers that be not only refuse to put out the proverbial fire that burns beneath the financial industry that crashed our economy in 2008 they're fueling it for all its worth.

 The bottom line: it's a misleading thing to pretend that this amount of money actually exists in anything but the ever-shifting virtual world of  bits and bytes. However, the all-powerful and ever-mysterious they know the mind-blowing numbers they throw at us will...well, blow our minds and isn't that the point?

Ironically something which was created to supposedly manage risk has instead risked our ability to manage anything at all.

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