Destroying our Freedom in Order to Protect/Defend and/or Profit from It?
Okay, the surveillance technology used to track we, the "unwashed masses" is already in use. We know that. Moreover, it should be expected. We've been warned more than once. Some of us (not enough) may be scared that those in power will use this exponentially evolving technology against us. However, at the same time, the shepherds are just as terrified...that we might shear our sheepwear before they've had a chance to lead us all through the valley of the shadow of death; hence, teaching us, our place.
Take Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), a relatively new surveillance technology that is currently in operation that enables your ISP to drill down to the very core of your Internet habits and
stalk monitor your every search, email, the websites you frequent, ect. DPI can also be used to choke off open Internet use, in order that the corporations may profit (see ex. left). Infonetics anticipates the market for standalone DPI products to grow rapidly in the next few years, and we all know what corporations will do for more profits. We've seen it all before.
Which leads to DPI vendors, "Allot and Openet, who recently sold ISPs on a future than involves wireless customers being billed differently for data, depending on whether they're using YouTube or Facebook," are highlighting potential for a very fractured future Internet. The FCC re-established rules requiring cable and DSL providers not to block websites and services consumers want to use, however, declined to also force wireless carriers to follow the same rules.
We know the Obama administration has no intentions of dismantling Bush's "big brother" surveillance programs. In fact, if anything, he has bolstered and added to it. So, it's anyone's guess as to how many sophisticated electronic communications surveillance projects designed to spy on We, the People, are in the works.
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