Friday, May 20, 2011

Are Potential Cancer Cures Being Ignored?

If you visit the following website, Cancer is DEAD: Cancer Killers from A to Z , you will find a vast array of mostly natural substances and compounds (over 90) with cancer fighting properties that most people don't know about, and the scholarly studies behind them. What is most interesting is that most of the studies listed were conducted by our government...some ten years ago!   Whoever compiled this list should be highly commended, as I'm sure it involved a lot of time and hard work. He or she also noted, in so many words, that this compilation is just the tip of the iceberg.

Apoptosis is key:

If you've been diagnosed with cancer:

For best hope, you need to know your specific cell line, and your blood work needs to be focused on common cancer precursors. Doctors don't always do either, as learned first hand. There are potentially hundreds of specific cancer cell lines in any given organ, each of which may have it's own unique dynamics compared to others that may afflict the same organ. For instance, lung cancer is often called either Small Cell or Non-Small Cell, while there are almost 200 known lung cancer cell lines. To best know where to invest your money and efforts in complementary treatments the cell line is key. Once you know your cell line go to Google Scholar and search for: 'cell line' cancer apoptosis. This will bring up virtually every study ever done on your cell line, and then you'll need to go through them trying to spot complimentary foods and compounds that you might acquire on your own.

One reason you should know your cell line is to know whether it is "estrogen positive" or "estrogen negative". Positive means the cancer may be proliferated via estrogen, and negative means it shouldn't be affected by estrogen . This is important because many foods and compounds that are useful to cancer fighting in general may increase estrogen levels and need to be avoided. This all also applies for androgen, but this research didn't seem to find too many foods that affect testosterone levels.

Blood work is important because there are many common blood elements that are often associated with cancer diagnosis. Some examples include copper and melatonin. High copper is often found in cancer patients, and it has been found that cancer cells feed off of copper, which means foods high in copper should be avoided and ideally drugs that strip copper from the body will need to be requested. Low levels of melatonin is common in cancer patients, therefore consuming melatonin supplements should be an ideal complimentary treatment should that be your case.
In addition, Natalie Wolchover reports on the "long road to a cure".
One of Salk's admirers is Evangelos Michelakis, a cancer researcher at the University of Alberta who, three years ago, discovered that a common, nontoxic chemical known as DCA, short for dichloroacetate, seems to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors in mice. Michelakis' initial findings garnered much fanfare at the time and have recirculated on the Web again this week, in large part because of a blog post ("Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice") that ignited fresh debate with people wondering if it was true.

The mechanism by which DCA works in mice is remarkably simple: It killed most types of cancer cells by disrupting the way they metabolize sugar, causing them to self-destruct without adversely affecting normal tissues.

Following the animal trials, Michelakis and his colleagues did tests of DCA on human cancer cells in a Petri dish, then conducted human clinical trials using $1.5 million in privately raised funds. His encouraging results — DCA treatment appeared to extend the lives of four of the five study participants — were published last year in Science Translational Medicine.

The preliminary work in rodents, cell cultures, and small trials on humans points to DCA as being a powerful cancer treatment. That doesn't mean it's the long-awaited cure — many other compounds have seemed similarly promising in the early stages of research without later living up to that promise — but nonetheless, Michelakis believes larger human trials on DCA are warranted.

So, are potential cancer cures being ignored? I think it's safe to say, it is certain.


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